Logic for a young detective in Russian for 6-8 y.o.
Logic for a young detective in Russian for 6-8 y.o.
Admission Open
Young students will solve a series of short introductory puzzles, solve different mysteries. While solving the mysteries, students will gather information through decoding the message, sorting information, solving logic puzzles, and using inferential thinking. In order to reach conclusions, students will practice the following skills: organizing clues, combining and analyzing the information presented, using deductive reasoning, and using the process of elimination. Each of the mysteries includes a teacher's guide with complete instructions. All mysteries are presented on attractive reproducible worksheets that include entertaining dialogue and clues needed to solve the mystery. Due to this book I've finally conquered this concept and had fun doing it!
To register: Select your classes and e-mail the class list together with the registration form to languagelinkcenter@yahoo.com before August 1. Your registration is valid only when we receive your check with payment to: Language Link Center, P.O. Box 1422, Scarsdale, NY 10583