This general 8/9-grade Russian language program is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain or enhance their general knowledge of Russian literature and language, practicing all the basic skills simultaneously. It naturally combines grammar, vocabulary, communication, and cultural content.
Russian language 8th grade introduces students to a large volume of new topics. Nevertheless, a lot of time this school year will be devoted to reviewing materials already studied in the fifth grade. In the Russian language lessons in the sixth grade, great attention will be focused on the spelling of verbs and their personal endings, on sentences with homogeneous members and introductory words, etc.
The 8/9th-grade Russian language in the curriculum of this year contains a large number of exercises of different levels of difficulty, interesting and varied tasks, as well as works aimed at enhancing the mental activity of sixth graders. In part of the lesson, children study Russian literature using a literature textbook published by a team of authors edited by V. Ya. Korovina
Each class has an individual program and depends on the previous knowledge of the kids and their ages. We have excellent Russian language teachers with many years of experience in teaching all levels of the Russian language and Russian literature both in Russia and USA with diplomas from Pedagogical Institutes.